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Judul: Strategi Pengelolaan Bivalvia di Perairan Pantai Waitatiri Berdasarkan Tingkat Pemanfaatan
Penulis: Mahriyana Hulopi  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 8 no. 1 - hal. 20-29 Tahun 2012  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  Bivalve, level of natural resources utilization, management, local community.
Abstract: Use of bivalve by local community surrounding Ambon Bay either for self consumption or for market purposes had been practices for long time. With population increase, this has also increased the level of utilization of some bivalve which in turn had lead to population decrease. Some other factors that contribute to the decrease of bivalve population in Tawiri Waters are the extracting of stones (rubbles) and sand by local community. The objective of this study was to analyze the utilization level of bivalve by local community at Waitatiri Coast; 2) to describe the community characteristic surround Waitatiri Coast; 3) to summarize management strategy of bivalve at Waitatiri Coast. Bivalve samples were collected through quadratic linear transect whilst for soscio- economy analysis, an interviewed was conducted with some local community who were selected randomly. From level utilization analysis, the result shows 59.9% level of utilization indicating increase in level of utilization. There were six management strategy and 11 management directions that can be used in attempt to manage bivalve population Waitatiri Coast.
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