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Judul: Sintesis Fenetil (O-asetil-p-kumaroil) dari Asam p-kumarat melalui Asetilasi, Klorinasi dan Esterifikasi dengan Fenetilalkohol
Penulis: Bahja, Firdaus & Nunuk Hariani Soekamto  || email:
Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol. 4 no. 1 - hal. 335-338 Tahun 2016  [ MIPA ]
Keywords:  Phenethyl (O-acetyl-p-coumaroyl), p-Coumaric acid, Phenethylalcohol, Esterification.
Abstract: Synthesis of phenethyl (O-acetyl-p-coumaroyl) (4) from p-coumaric acid (1) using phenethylalcohol was succesfully conducted via acetylation (2), chlorination (3), and esterification (4). The acetylation was performed using acetic anhydride in pyridine at room temperature for 6 hours, the chlorination was performed using thionyl chloride in dry benzene by reflux at 75oC for 4 hours, continued with esterification by in situ using phenethylalcohol in dry dichloromethane at room temperature for 4 hours. The structure of each step reaction product was identified using FT-IR spectroscopy. The compound 2 was obtained as yellowish crystal with m.p 201-203oC and the compound 4 was obtained as white crystal with m.p 68-69oC.
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