Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Analisis Kemiringan Lereng Pantai dan Distribusi Sedimen Pantai Perairan Negeri Waai Kecamatan Salahutu Provinsi Maluku
Penulis: Degen E. Kalay, Villian F. Lopulissa & Yunita A. Noya  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 14 no. 1 - hal. 10-18 Tahun 2018  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  coastal slope, sediment, wave height, waters of waai
Abstract: Water circulation systems in coastal areas are very effective in driving its sediment material. The impact is the occurrence of variations in the slope of the coastline and changes in the character of the sediment. The aim of the study was to analyze the grade of coastal slope, sediment character and wave height of Waai Village coastal area. The study was conducted in waters of Waai Village, Ambon Island, District of Salahutu, Maluku Province in January 2018. Slope of the coastline and wave height were measured directly in the field, while sediment was sampled on 9 observation transects. Analysis of beach slope classes is based on Zuidam criteria and sediment analysis based on size. The grade of coastal slope is a flat slope to a very steep slope with a slope percentage ranging from 0.13-29.27%. Sediments distributed in the size of gravel to mud are grouped into 5 categories, namely gravel, sandy gravel, sand, gravel and muddy sand. While the measured wave height ranges from 0.04-1.03 m with the amount of energy produced is 2.01-200.90 J.
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