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Judul: Simulasi Pengaruh Tekanan Balik Gas Buang Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Sepeda Motor Jupiter MX
Penulis: Sefnath Josep Etwan Sarwuna  || email:
Jurnal: Teknologi Vol. 12 no. 1 - hal. 3001-3006 Tahun 2015  [ Teknik ]
Keywords:  Backpressure, Exhaust Type, Machines Performance
Abstract: In general it is known that the exhaust system or commonly called a muffler is a vital part of the motor cycle. Therefore in the automotive sector / sector, this product has made rapid progress and has increased its customers. The exhaust function is to increase speed, beautify the shape and get good hearing. But infecting, many people ignore to improve / improve engine performance by utilizing the exhaust gas itself. Regarding the exhaust gas problem and focusing on the back pressure that occurs during the exhaust process, some exhaust gas products with different header diameter sizes are taken and analyzed to determine the amount of back pressure produced. The analysis uses the ANSYS R15.0 program and direct tests using DYNOJET Model 250. The simulation results show the amount of back pressure that occurs in the header for both types of exhaust. The first exhaust type (exhaust type 1) the biggest / backmost pressure is 3172.04 Pa, the fourth type back pressure and exhaust (exhaust type) produce the smallest back pressure of 562.64 Pa. The results of the four-step 135cc motorbike for each type of muffler using Dynojet indicate that the type 1 muffler at maximum torque of 7340 rpm 0.89 kg.m (8.73 Nm) at 8150 rpm rotation produces maximum power of 9.26 PS (6811) watts ) And for type 2 exhaust at around 7240 rpm it produces maximum torque of 0.95 kg.m (9.31 N.m) and at around 8520 rpm maximum power is 10.26 PS (7546.21 watts).The biggest torque and power is produced by type 2 mufflers while the smallest torque and power is produced by type 1 mufflers.
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