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Judul: | Penggunaan Pahat Ball End Mill Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Pada Material Baja ST 37 |
Penulis: | Noce Novi Tetelepta || email: teknologi@rad.net.id |
Jurnal: | Teknologi Vol. 9 no. 1 - hal. 1018 - 1028 Tahun 2012 [ Teknik ] |
Keywords: | current armature, speed of saft, full bridge diode rectifier |
Abstract: | The process of metal cutting with a milling machine is one of widely used machining process for manufacturing components that have the features of a profile and complex trajectory. In other hand the needs of surface quality is also required, the surface quality of milling process depend on several factors likes the use of ball mill tool, tool movement, depth of cut and surface roughness (Ra). Based on the result of testing performance of the material of ST 37 80x120x50 with CNC milling Microcut machine for cut spirical type with depth cut (a=0.1mm) and tool movement (Ap=0.1mm), so it obtained of the minimum roughness is (Ra=0.082797 um), and For the cut one way type, with the same of depth cut and tool movement, the minimum roughness is (Ra=0.602909). Whereas maximum roughness for the cut spirical type with depth of cut (a=0.25mm) and tool movement (Ap=0.5mm), the maximum is (Ra=3.081814 um) , and for the cut one way type with depth of cut (a=0.3mm) and tool movement (Ap=0.3mm), the maximum roughness is (Ra=4.794638 um). The best regression model for sprical type is (Ra = 2.3715 + 0.3241?1+ 0.7?2 - 0.0235 ?1 2 - 0.38625 ?2 2 - 0.0104532?1 ?2) and for one way cut is (Ra = 2.93 + 0.702?1 + 0.78?2 - 0.05596?1 2 - 0.0492?2 2 - 0.0104532?1?2. from the both of cutting type , which requires a very smooth roughness level , the type of spirical cutting can be used. |
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