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Judul: Desain Alat Ukur Suhu dan Kelembaban Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 16
Penulis: Ronaldo Talapessy  || email:
Jurnal: Barekeng Vol. 6 no. 2 - hal. 29-31 Tahun 2012  [ MIPA ]
Keywords:  Temperature, Humidity, ATMega16 Microcontroller
Abstract: The has already designed temperature and humidity measurement devices using SHT11 sensor with display results in Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Manually, the environment temperature was measured using a mercury thermometer and the environment humidity was measured by a hygrometer. The results were observed in analog and it often misread thus it caused errors in ready the data. To solve the problem, then were made a design temperature and humidity measuring devices digitally. The processor of this tool is ATMega16 microcontroller that processes analog input signals to obtain a digital output. Temperature and humidity sensors SHT11 were used, the measurement results and read digital display on the LCD. This design produced temperature and humidity measurement, aids accurately, it was +- 0.4 oC and +- 3%.
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