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Judul: | Tinjauan Karakteristik Layak Laut Alat Transportasi Kapal Rakyat Yang Dibangun Secara Tradisional |
Penulis: | Heidy C. Ririmasse || email: info@mail.unpatti.ac.id |
Jurnal: | Teknologi Vol. 11 no. 1 - hal. 1198-2003 Tahun 2014 [ Teknik ] |
Keywords: | Criteria, Sea-Worthiness |
Abstract: | Indonesia is an island countries, which of a Five Million Square Kilometers Area of the State, only one-thirds of the total area is a land while the other two-thirds,is the ocean.It causes the marine transportation hold a very important role in this country especially in theregion of Malukuwhichconsistsofmanyislands. Usingwood materials, ... ancestors.However, the problem isthe ship is not sea-worthiness. This is caused by the ship that made in the traditional way.which is in the process of manufacture, the builders does not pay attention or have any reference to the criteria that have been set for the feasibility of a ship. It is proved bythe comparisonof the traditional ship main dimension's ratio versus the actual limit that been standarized for the main dimension below: 1. RatioL/B=4.62, whichshould be aroundthelimit of (5.5-6.5 ) 2. RatioL/D=12.00, whichshould be aroundthelimit of ( 9.0- 16.0 ) 3. RatioB/D=2.60, whichshould be aroundthelimit of (1.65-1.90 )or (1.65-2.0 ) 4. Ratiod/D=0.85, whichshould be aroundthelimit of( 0.65-0.80 ) 5. RatioB/d=1.93, whichshould be aroundthelimit of( 2.00 to 3.00 ) .The comparisonabove provedthatthere is only oneratioin the themaindimenision of the traditional shipisstill in thelimit, wich is inthe ratio of L/D=12.00, shows that itstill in thelimit between (9.0 -16.0), while the other is out of the actual limit that been standarized. That results, stated that the ship is notsea-worthiness.Base on this problem above,is a highly recommended to the traditional ship builders in order to manufacture their shipsmust be leads by the criteria that required and standarizedsuch as Main Dimension Characteristic and Shape Characteristic. |
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