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Judul: | Chemical–Physics Composition Analysis of Pearl Seashells and Utilazation Possible as Import Nucleus Substitution |
Penulis: | Voulda D. Loupatty || email: voulda_loupatty@yahoo.co.id |
Jurnal: | Prosiding FMIPA 2015 Vol. 1 no. 1 - hal. 70-74 Tahun 2015 [ MIPA ] |
Keywords: | Composition, seashells, import nucleus |
Abstract: | Sea pearl farming has progressed well in Indonesia. In line with the seashells that are not used for further cultivation disposed of as waste. On the other hand nucleus used for the production of sea pearls (aquaculture) are imported. This research was conducted with the aim for studying the chemical-physics characteristics of several types of local seashells and utilization possible as import nucleus substitution. The testing of chemical-physics was conducted of the four (4) types of local seashells that P. margaritifera, P. maxima, Pteria penguin and Tridacna sp by comparison to the import nucleus. The chemical parameters are tested include: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO 2, CaO, Na2O, K2O, Count Incandescent, CaCO3 and Mineral composition, while the physical parameters include: density, hardness, softening point and melting point. The results showed that P. margaritifera had significant difference for chemical parameters: SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO. Especially for Al2O3 other than P. margaritifera, P. maxima also showed significant differences with the nucleus. As for the physical parameters had no significant difference. It can be concluded that Pteria penguin and Tridacna sp can be used as substitution for sea pearl production. |
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