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Judul: Development of Integrated Poso Lake Tourism through Community Based
Penulis: Tabita R. Matana & Gitit I.P. Wacana  || email:
Jurnal: Prosiding FMIPA 2015 Vol. 1 no. 1 - hal. 140-144 Tahun 2015  [ MIPA ]
Keywords:  Tourism, community-based, development
Abstract: The purpose of this research is development concept of community based Poso Lake tourism, integrated and sustainable. Data collection, both primary and secondary data performed by conducting FGD with some community leaders on coastal lake. Poso Lake is unique as the tectonic lake extensive stretch of ± 36.677 ha, altitude of ± 600 m above sea level, golden yellow sand and clear water. This uniqueness become a tourist attraction. The utilization of Poso Lake waters as the iconic of tourism development in Central Sulawesi is not handled holistically. Poso Lake becomes an important part of social, economic and cultural activities Lake Shore Pamona community.Social economic activities have an impact on the slowly sedimentation/siltation. Based on the survey result and analysis Landsat Map 7 ETM Band 542 on 2005 shows that the area of Poso Lake area has experienced siltation as a result of land degradation where almost all parts of the shores of Poso Lake has experienced serious silting, it is not recognized by the coastal community of the lake. Based on the result of the study, it is required serious effort on the various elements of society and government in managing integrated and sustainable Poso Lake tourism.
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