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Judul: | Penerapan Guided Inquiry Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Ambon Konsep Pernapasan Manusia Kelas XI SMA Negeri 12 Ambon |
Penulis: | Lodia Johanis || email: info@mx.unpatti.ac.id |
Jurnal: | Biopendix Vol. 1 no. 2 - hal. 170-178 Tahun 2015 [ KIP ] |
Keywords: | Strategy guided inquiry, the results of student learning, the concept of the human respiratory system, class XI SMA 12 Ambon |
Abstract: | Background: The strategy is a series of guided inquiry learning activities that involve maximally throughout the student's ability to search and investigate in a systematic, critical, logical, analytical, so that they are able to resolve their own problems given with aplomb. Based on experience during KKM researcher at SMAN 12 Ambon, it is known that most of the students have difficulties in learning biology. It is usually measured by the value of students is very low or does not reach the standard of the material KKM on the respiratory system, while KKM defined in the subjects of biology, especially the class XI is 70. This is because the teacher-centered learning process, where teachers who provide material and students were heard. To that end, the researchers want to use the strategy of guided inquiry in the learning process, especially the concept of the human respiratory system. Methods: This is a qualitative type of research that aim to see the cognitive learning system concepts human class XI IPA SMAN 12 Ambon using strategies Guided Inquiry. This study was conducted in class XI SMA 12 Nusaniwe Ambon District of the city of Ambon. The procedure conducted research consists of several stages, namely: 1) the stage of planning and 2) phase of the study. Before conducting teaching and learning activities, researchers gave motivation to the students of the respiratory system in humans. Then do the initial tests to determine students' initial ability. Students are divided into five groups and each group are required to complete worksheets that have been prepared by the researcher. Then researchers began to implement a strategy guided inquiry. Results: an increase in the number of students who get the KKM 70 in the subjects of Biology, is proven by the classification. After done learning process teaching (PBM), as many as 31 students learning results of an incomplete or score below KKM. After teaching and learning activities with learning by using strategies guided inquiry learning outcomes of students who did not complete or receive value under KKM reduced to 0 students. Conclusion: Learning biology with guided inquiry strategies can improve student learning outcomes XI IPA SMAN 12 Ambon. |
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