Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Komposisi Kimia dan Pemanfaatan Cacing Laut "Sia-Sia" yang Dikonsumsi Masyarakat di Pulau Nusalaut Maluku Tengah
Penulis: Bernita br. Silaban  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 8 no. 2 - hal. 1-9 Tahun 2012  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  Sia-sia, proximate, community utilization, Nusalaut Island.
Abstract: A research has been done on the chemical composition of marine worms (sia-sia) that are consumed by the people of Nusalaut, Central Mollucas. The aims of the study were to determine the chemical composition and to reveal people's habits in utilizing sia- sia on the Island of Nusalaut. This study was conducted in Januari 2012, which is located in the Cape Batu Gila, coastal waters of Negeri Titawai, in the beaches of Iru Negeri Abubu and the Cape of Serimena Negeri Akoon, Nusalaut Island, Central Mollucas. There were two stages of research work namely (1) data collection and (2) laboratory analysis including chemical composition of fresh meat sia-sia such as moisture, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrates. The results showed that the habitat of marine warms sia-sia in the coastal waters of Nusalaut tend to be sandy and sand rocky where water temperatures ranged from 29 to 30.50 oC, 26-35 psu salinity and pH 7. The chemical composition of marine worms sia-sia varies in any waters where water content ranged from 71.58 to 74.77 %, protein from 21.70 to 23.14 %, fat ranged from 0.38 to 0.44 %, ash ranged from 2.37 to 3,54 % and carbohydrate from 0.61 to 1.30 %. The highest chemical composition was observed in marine worms collected from Negeri Titawai waters. The utilization of sia-sia (seaworms) by people of Negeri Titawai, Abubu, and Akoon in the Nusalaut Islands also varied and quite simple where the people generally consumed raw or processed material into spicy sour sauce, kohukohu (Titawai), dried herbs (Abubu), fried and spicy sour sauce (Akoon).
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