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Judul: Akurasi Metode Kriging Dalam Interpolasi Sebaran Iluminasi Cahaya Lampu Pada Alat Bantu Penangkapan Bagan
Penulis: Jacobus Bunga Paillin  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 8 no. 2 - hal. 10-15 Tahun 2012  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  Kriging method, Interpolation distribution, Light illumination, Lift net.
Abstract: Interpolation is a method or a mathematical function that assumed value at the location for which data are available. There are several methods commonly used to interpolate among others such as Trend, Spline, Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) and Kriging. Each of these methods will provide different interpolation results. Kriging method is classified into stochastic estimation where statistical calculations performed to generate interpolation. This method is similar to IDW method which uses linear and weight to estimate values between data samples. The purpose of this study were to determine the accuracy of the kriging method based on the type of approach, the distance and the amount of light in the interpolated distribution of light illumination on the tools catching charts. The data used were the measured light intensity data from a depth of 0 m - 10 m at the surface of the water with a number of different lights (1-5 lights) with digital Lux Underwater INPO 1540. Intensity measurements were made at the center where the lights were at intervals of 1 meter. The results of this study indicated that the results of the statistical calculations, the method kriging with spherical type had the smallest standard deviation value that was equal to 15.3065. Based on distance intervals shown that interval 0.2 m had the smallest standard deviation which was equal to 12.5721. While based on the amount of light interpolation parameters with 1 lamp had the smallest standard deviation which was 15.3065.
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