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Judul: Pengkajian Perbanyakan Tanaman Kakao Secara Vegetatif (Okulasi Mata Entris dan Sambung Pucuk)
Penulis: M. Pesireron  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 6 no. 1 - hal. 25-29 Tahun 2010  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Cacao, Clonal Vegetative, Budding and Grafting.
Abstract: Compared to cacao originated from seed, clonal cacao plant is guaranteed to have homogen yield and seed quality, and high productivity. Clonal can be viewed as a new paradigm in cacao, by which the treatment is not limited for fine flavor cocoa. Clonal plants nowadays have been supported by the availability of superior clone and also the method is easy to do. Cacao multiplication can be done through recognized ways of vegetative clonal, such as cuttings, grafting and budding. Grafting and irrigate layering are being investigated and researched by PUSLITKOKA. Before grafting and budding, cacao root stock is taken from local variety of seeds, which is provided by Plantation PTP XIV Awaiya Central Moluccas. The upper part (scion) is taken from four superior clone varieties (ICS 13, ICS 60, Sca 60, and UIT 1 from PUSLITKOKA Jember. This research aimed to get a technology package of clonal cacao plant by grafting and budding. The agronomy parameters cover: the plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and the number of living plants. Method of analyses is descriptive analysis by comparing the agronomy characteristics between technology * technology using forecast method, and introduced II way is the technology by budding. Result of the technology package applied * represents the simplest method, is easy to do, and gives higher efficacy in comparison with other methods.
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