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Judul: Efisiensi Perikanan Pukat Cincin (Purse Seine) Di Negeri Waai
Penulis: Dionisius Bawole, Johanis Hiariey & Yoise Lopulalan  || email:
Jurnal: Insei Vol. 4 no. 2 - hal. 12-19 Tahun 2015  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  purse seine, efficiency, Waai.
Abstract: Dionisius Bawole, et al. 2016. Purse Seine Efficiency in Waai, Salahutu Subdistrict, Central Maluku. As one of Maluku's coastal village, Waai which is located in Salahutu Subdistrict, Central Maluku District has many residents who work as fishermen. One of the fishing gears used by the community is purse seine. Beside productive in utilize the fisheries resources, this gear also quite productive in absorbs fishermen. This study aims to calculate the relative efficiency of purse seine, as well as to estimate and determine the potency for efficiency improvements. By using DEA program version 2.1, the result indicates that purse seine used by the fishermen in Waai is efficient with a value between 93.7% and 100%. Improvement of two purse seines efficiency which are still below 100% can be done by reducing the catching trip as much as 12.09%, engine power of 2.27%, investment of 14.67% and increasing revenue by 1.29% (for the 2 nd respondent), while for the 8 th respondent can be performed by reducing operating costs (variable costs) amounted to 19.38%, investment 13.67%, as well as the increasing of total employment 6.73% and revenues by 6.72%.
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