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Judul: Efek Biolarvasida Ekstrak Etanol Biji Hutun Terhadap Mortalitas Larva Anopheles maculates (diptra: Anophelidae) In Vitro
Penulis: Maria Nindatu, Johanes Pelamonia, Novie S. Rupilu  || email:
Jurnal: Molucca Medica Vol. 2 no. 1 - hal. 8-15 Tahun 2009  [ Kedokteran ]
Keywords:  Barringtonia asiatica Kurz, biolarvacidal, Anopheles maculates
Abstract: The research have been conducted on the effect of biolarvacidal of ethanol extract from seeds of hutun (Barringtonia asiatica Kurz) against mortality of Anopheles maculates larvae in vitro. The experiment was done by using of WHO method (1990). The research was an experimental study by using of Anopheles maculates larvae, of third and fourth stage larvae in amount 25 larvae in each experiment. The mosquito larvae were tested in 7 kind concentration i.e 0,0078%; 0,0156%; 0,0312%; 0,0625%; 0,125%; 0,25%; 0,5% and one group as a control. The result were analyzed in order to get LC50 by using Probit Analysis of SPSS. This study showed that there is a significant biolarvacidal effect difference among extract concentration on hutun seeds extract toward the mortality of Anopheles maculates larvae (p=0,000 > a=0,005). There is positive correlation system between increasing of each level concertration hutun seed extract and larvae mortality raising. The ethanol extract of seeds of hutun (barringtonia asiaticaKurz) fruit had a biolarvacidal effect with the LC50 value was 0,061%. Based on the number of mortality of larvae, that was that higher dose of this extract caused higher mortality of larvae. Based on the result, it implicates necessary to use hutun seeds as an material of natural insecticide.
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