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Judul: Peran Perempuan Penjual Jajanan Di Pusat Jajanan Serba Ada Universitas Pattimura Ambon Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga
Penulis: Indra Matitaputty, Aphrodite M. Sahusilawane & R. Kaplale  || email:
Jurnal: Agrilan Vol. 3 no. 3 - hal. 259-274 Tahun 2015  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Contribution, motivation, roles
Abstract: Roles are the main tasks that should be executed in management. The role of snack seller women in Pattimura University Campus food court in improving household income is by making a living to meet household needs. This study aimed to determine the role of women in improving household income from selling snacks at food court and women's income contribution of selling snacks on household income. This research was conducted in Unpatti Ambon food courtfrom December 2015 to January 2016. The method used was purposive sampling method in which respondents were purposively selected as many as 30 people out of 45 people who undertaken business in food court.The results showed that women's role as snack sellers in food court can help meeting the household needs. The income contribution from selling snacks obtained by 22 respondents was 91,44 percent, from husband’s income was 8,56 percent and from 8 discovert respondents was 100 percent.
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