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Judul: Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Melalui Penerapan Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Dan Student Team Achievement Divisions Pada Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Penulis: Rais Hidayat & Ristinofa S.  || email:
Jurnal: Pedagogika dan Dinamika Pendidikan Vol. 6 no. 1 - hal. 44-55 Tahun 2017  [ KIP ]
Keywords:  Learning Outcomes, Guided Inquiry, Student Teams Achievement Divisions Model.
Abstract: This research aims to improve the quality of the learning process and the result of learning process This research is a quasi experimental study. This research subject is class graded IV-A, IV-B and IV-C Public Elementary School Manggis Cicurug Sukabumi. Analysis technique used for pre-requisites analysis test which includes normality test, homogenity test, and hypothesis test using t-test. In the normality test with liliefors test showed that the class experiment 1 L testvalue is (0,144) with L table of (0,149), the class experiment 2 L test value is (0,074) with L table of (0,154), while the control class L test value is (0,151) with L table of (0,161), so that the value of L test for all data ≤ than the value of L table with the significant standard is α= 0,05%, all data gives normal distribution. In the homogeneity with bartlett test X test value is (3,208) ≤ with X table of (5,991). In the hypothesis test with t-test showed that the class experiment 1 and the control class t test value is (14,12) ≥ than t table of (1,99394), the class experiment 2 ant the control class t test value is (9,96) ≥ than t table of (1,99962), while the class experiment 1 and the class experiment 2 test value is (2,83)≥ than t table of (1,99656), therefore all the data showed that H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Based on this research, it can be concluded that there are differences of result between the using cooperative learning model guided inquiry and student teams achievement divisions.
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