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Judul: Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Pengenyal Yang Berbeda Terhadap Komposisi Kimia, Sifat Fisik dan Organoleptik Bakso Daging Ayam
Penulis: Nafly C. Tiven & Marcus Veerman   || email:
Jurnal: Agrinimal Vol. 1 no. 2 - hal. 76-83 Tahun 2011  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Chicken meat ball, gelling agents, chemical composition, physical and organoleptical meat ball
Abstract: The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of albumen, baking powder and borax as gelling agents on chemical composition, physical and organoleptic properties of chicken meat ball. The meat ball was prepared from chicken meat with addition gelling agents at 0.2 percent from dough. Variables observed were chemical composition, physical and organoleptical properties of meat ball. Data of chemical composition and physical properties were analysed using analysis of variance from completely randomized design. The difference of means the treatments were tested by Duncans New Multiple Range Test. Data of organoleptic properties analysed with analysis of non-parametric of Kruskal and Wallis method. The results indicated that the gelling agents had a significant effect (P<0.01) on water, fat contents and on pH, and also had a significant effect (P<0,05) on protein contents, but no significant effect on tenderness. Gelling agents had a not significant effect on color, taste, texture and elasticity. Conclusion, chicken meat ball with different gelling agents had the chemical composition, physical and organoleptic properties different.
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