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Judul: Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Mendukung Usahatani Tanaman Pangan Lahan Kering di Desa Debut Kecamatan Kei Kecil Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara – Provinsi Maluku
Penulis: Edwen D. Waas dan Janes B. Alfons  || email: janesalfons@
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 8 no. 2 - hal. 109-116 Tahun 2012  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Land suitability evaluation, food crops, dryland, Debut Village, Southeast Maluku, Maluku
Abstract: The evaluation of land resources potential in a region is an initial stage to produce the data or information of land resources, as a basic to determine the direction of agricultural development policy. The evaluation of land suitability research to support the food crops farming on dry land agriculture at Debut Village Kei Kecil Sub District Southeast Maluku District Maluku Province has been conducted since May until August 2008. The study aims to provide the data or information about land suitability to the of dryland crops development in the village Debut. This study used the rapid (quick assessment) to analyze the potential of the land resources in the field, including the preparation of land units map, fieldwork, and data processing. The land units map had been prepared with terrain analysis approach using Landform as a basic for preparing the land units, while landform classification refers to the criteria of Landform Classification Guidelines, LT 5 Version 3.0. Field research included the observation of land and the environment, water resources and soil fertility, using a transect approach, which is determined based on consideration of the variation of landform, parent material, relief/slope, landuse, and accessible regions (good accessibility). Data processing includes field data correlated with data from the laboratory to complete the assessment of land suitability and soil fertility, and soil physics. The results of land suitability evaluation of some commodities showed that land can be developed for agricultural commodities in the Debut village area of 2.413 ha (91.90%), while the remaining area of 213 ha (8.10%) as a conservation area. Land area of 2.413 ha can be used for seasonal crops (upland rice, maize, cassava, and peanuts) area of 1.229 ha (50.93%), annual plants in the coast (coconut) covering 249 ha (10.32%) and annual plant (banana) intercropping with maize and peanuts covering 935 ha (38.75%).
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