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Judul: Analisis Dialel Sifat Berganda Pada Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
Penulis: Edizon Jambormias, Johan Marthin Tutupary & Jacob Richard Patty  || email:
Jurnal: Agrinimal Vol. 3 no. 1 - hal. 23-29 Tahun 2013  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  daya gabung khusus parsial, daya gabung khusus rata-rata, kacang hijau Jamdena, kelompok daya gabung, kelompok heterotik, sektor agregatif, vertex hull.
Abstract: Diallel analysis of multiple traits is a comprehensive approach to evaluate gca, sca and reciprocal effects of parents and it crosses by involving many traits simultaneously. Describing of CT Biplot can be used to describe the multiple trait diallel analysis. In order to improve the yield potential, four parents of the local varieties and two parents of the high yielding varieties of mungbean were evaluated their multiple traits combining ability. The results of the research show, there are 3 meaning sectors (MS) and 2 non-mining sectors (NMS) of crosses and multiple traits. The parents LLBs and Gelatik contained high gca in one MS which associated with traits of yield component (MS- 1). The parents LLBfN, LLBn, and variety No. 129 in the next MS (MS-3) related to the 100 seed weight, meanwhile the parent MLB located in another NMS, contained high gca for an ideal type of short plant. Crosses combination of Gelatik x LLBs, Gelatik x LLBfN, and MLBx LLBn were vertex crosses on MS-1. In the other two MS sectors, the parents LLBn and LLBs were vertex genotype, so that crosses that have best sca were not found. Reciprocal effects can be viewed in some crosses, which LLBs x Gelatik was the cross combined with the highest reciprocal effects. Key words: aggregative sectors, combining ability groups, heterotic groups, jamdena mungbean, mean specific combining ability, partial specific combining ability, vertex hull.
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