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Judul: Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Teknologi Usahatani Kacang Hijau Setelah Padi Sawah di Desa Waekasar, Kecamatan Mako, Kabupaten Buru, Maluku
Penulis: I. Hidayah & A.N. Susanto  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 4 no. 1 - hal. 54-63 Tahun 2008  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Financial Analysis, technology introduction, green bean, Waekasar
Abstract: This research aims to determine the financial elegibility of the introduction of farming system technology green bean after lowland rice, which has been done by soy farmers at the area of irrigation rice field in Waekasar Village, subdistrict of Mako, Regency of Buru at 2006. Participatory rural understanding method is applied on two groups of farmer: cooperator and non-cooperator farmers. Data collected covers production components. Result of research indicates that farming system of cooperator farmer by applying introduction technology can gain higher profit (Rp. 2128500) compared to farming system of non-cooperator farmer (Rp. 725000), with each R/C value of 1.32 (cooperator farmer) and of 1.23 (non-cooperator farmer). Result of marginal analysis B/C of 1.52 indicates that alteration by farmers adapted for introduction technology is feasible to be done financially, where Rp. 100 spent by cooperator farmer as result of changing the technology component causes additional profit equals to Rp 152. The introduction of farming system is good to be applied with additional production break even point of 604.22 kg ha-1 or minimum productivity that must be reached is 1304.22 kg ha-1. With additional production of 920 kg ha-1 by the cooperator farmers, the alteration of the technology component is good to be done if the price is not under the break even point price, which is Rp. 3579.35 kg-1.
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