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Judul: | Gambaran Umum Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rendahnya Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Vasektomi Pria di Kecamatan Piru Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat |
Penulis: | Feadly Loupatty & Marliyati Sanaky || email: feadly_loupatty@yahoo.com |
Jurnal: | Molucca Medica Vol. 5 no. 1 - hal. 1-11 Tahun 2012 [ Kedokteran ] |
Keywords: | the using contraception vasectomy |
Abstract: | Nuclear family program is very important in controlling on area of the rate of population growth. In nuclear family a major problem which founded was the lower of male participation in using contraception device. Affecting consum In molucas from the date found the using of vasectomy contraseption device is tiny. At west Seram subdistrict, West Seram regency until november 2011 only had new 19 participant. This researh head for knowing the factors of common description which affecting the lower of vasectomy contraception device of west seram subdistrict, West Seram regency. The type of this research is description research with cross sectional approaching concern to 50 healthy male couples. The taken of sample with using sampling technique of simple random sampling. The research result took the factors of common description wich affecting consuming of Vasectomy contraseption device. The knowledge of common description concern in the using of vasectomy contraseption device, the awareness in using Vasectomy contraception device, religion concerned the using of vasectomy contraception device, social culture concerned the using of vasectomy contraseption device, section of infrastruktur the using of vasectomy contraception device. Advise which can be given, the needs of KIE rising about Vasectomy contraception device. |
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