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Judul: | Prediksi Nilai Analisa Gas Darah Arteri Melalui Analisa Gas Darah Vena Pada Pasien Jantung Dengan Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Post-cabg) di RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang |
Penulis: | Ariosta, Indranila & Indrayani Ps || email: nila_fkundip@yahoo.com |
Jurnal: | Molucca Medica Vol. 5 no. 1 - hal. 76-81 Tahun 2012 [ Kedokteran ] |
Keywords: | BGA, post-CABG, arterial, and venous |
Abstract: | Background: Blood Gas Analysis using arterial blood is the one of important examination on the laboratory. The result from analysis can give information about clinical condition of the patient. The phlebotomist often make the wrong procedure including sampling from the vena bloodstream, which make the results is not suitable with patient condition. Coronary heart disease is the most common heart disease which one of the therapy can be treated by CABG surgery. BGA examination post CABG is really needed for giving information about histology oxygenation. Purpose: This study is to known about is there any correlation between the value of BGA arteri and venous; and can we predict the BGA arterial value from BGA venous. Methods and Sample: Post CABG patient on RSUP Dr. Kariadi was taken for BGA examination arterial blood and venous blood using GEM Premier 3000 BGA automation. Data analysis use Pearson correlation when the distribution data is normal; and Spearman when the distribution data is abnormal. Results: There are correlation between pH, pCO2 and HCO3 arterial and venous (p<0,05). There is no correlation between PO2 arterial and venous (p>0,05). Based on this study, it can be predicted the value BGA arterial using BGA venous: pH Arteri = -0,17 + 1,042 (pH venous); PCO2 Arteri = -1,333 + 0,854 (PCO2 Venous) ; HCO3 Arteri = 3,475 + 0,762 (HCO3 Venous) Conclusion: BGA value using venous sample can be used to predict BGA arteri. |
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