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Judul: Mineral Pada Tanah yang Terbentuk dari Batuan Andesit dan Bahan Lepas di Desa Hative Besar
Penulis: J.P. Haumahu  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 5 no. 2 - hal. 74-80 Tahun 2009  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  minerals, rock, parent materials, soil types
Abstract: Soil are natural resources is a very complex and heterogenic, but very important for human live. Soil are developed from interaction are factor and process. Parent material is one of soil factor development. Parent material is result of disintegration from rock. Rocks are developing from combination of the minerals. Type of minerals are given type of soil are level of developed, physically, and chemistry. Andesite rock is igneous rocks are in intermediate rock type, and composition silicate is 55.7 percent. Loss material is parent material and non in-situ developed, because loss materials are developed from result of degradation of other rock or parent material. Loss materials in Ambon Island are developed by andesite, dasite and tuff Vulcan. Analysis of mineral type was used microscopes and KTK for primary minerals (Sand fraction) and secondary minerals (clay fraction), respectively. Type of primary minerals is quartz, biothyt, phyrocsin, orthoclase, olivine, ophac, plagioclase, and secondary minerals are kaolonite and illite. The soil family types are Podsolik Kromik or Typic Hapludults (andesit) and Podsolik Umbrik or Typic Kandiudults (loss materials).
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