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Judul: Reaktivitas Antibodi Monoklonal dalam Mendeteksi Virus Kerdil Kedelai pada Gulma Dengan DAS-ELISA
Penulis: G.N.C. Tuhumury  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 5 no. 2 - hal. 89-93 Tahun 2009  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Soybean stunt virus, monoclonal antibody, DAS-ELISA
Abstract: Soybean stunt diseases caused by Soy bean Stunt Virus (SSV) is one of the important diseases of soybean. The objective of this research was to know reactivity of monoclonal antibody to detect SSV on weeds with serological method Double Anti Sandwich-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Array (DAS-ELISA). The research has three steps: purification of antibody, preparation of conjugate and detection SSV by DAS-ELISA. The result showed that SSV can be detected by DAS-ELISA on Weeds. Reactivity of Monoclonal antibody to detection SSV is depending on protein antibody.
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