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Judul: Sintesis 3, 4-Metilendioksifenil Etil Maleat sebagai Turunan Antibiotic C-9154 Baru dari Minyak Kulit Lawang
Penulis: Heatly Kainama & Eirene Grace Fransina  || email:
Jurnal: Tanoar Vol. 5 no. 2 - hal. 18-23 Tahun 2007  [ LPM ]
Keywords:  Derivate antibiotic C-9154, Cullilawan oil, safrole, isomerisation
Abstract: It has been done the synthesis ester as derivatives of C-9154 antibiotic from Culililawan oil The synthesis was started by isolation safrole, from Cullilawan oil with strong base fruther isomerisation of safrole with KOH in ethanol then oxidation of isosafrole with KMnO using polysorbate 80 as a catalyst in acid at 40 oC for 15 minutes to give ?77e further 3,4- methylendioksipherayl aldehide. The experimental stages were reduction of 3, 4- methylendioksiphenyl aldehide followed by condensation of methy,lendioksiphenyl alcohol with maleic cmhydride. The reduction of piperonal with NaBH4 afforded methylendioksiphenyl alcohol in 90.7 % yield. Condensation of piperorryl alcohol with maleic anhidryde performed in benzena at 60 oC for 6 hours gave 40.8 % 3, 4-methylendioksipherayl naaleic acid. Esterification of 3, 4- methylendioksiphenyl maleic acid with ethanol in the presence of p- toluene sulfonic acid afforded 3, 4-methylendioksiphenyl etil maleic in 77.3 %.
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