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Judul: Analisis Pengaruh Kepribadian, Motivasi Diri dan Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Career Plateau Jabatan Dosen di Kota Ambon
Penulis: Juliana Latuihamallo  || email:
Jurnal: Soso-Q Vol. 2 no. 2 - hal. 76-88 Tahun 2010  [ Ekonomi dan Bisnis ]
Keywords:  Career Plateau, Personality, Self Motivation, Organizational Commitment
Abstract: Understanding the career plateau in a organsation is an important thing. The fact that any people (employees) who begin to experience a career impasse caused by many things, among others, a tendency to change the organization of the hierarchical structureinto a flat structure so that the chances of vertical mobility of employees has become more limited. Everyone would want a variety of advancements in his career is marked by a promotion or a position structurally. Theoretically career in an organisation open to all, people who become members. Opportunity to give motivation for everyone (employees) to compete in career development. Samples were 112 respondents of this study is for civil servants who had been a lecturer at private universities in the city of Ambon and University Lecturer Pattimura. Tests performed by the method of structural equation model (SEM). The results of structural equation analysis showed that the perception of lecturer on personality of the carrier plateau is positive and significant influence, and self-motivated toward career plateau is positive and significant, while for the commitment organizational positive but not significant effect.
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