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Judul: Aplikasi Analisis Regresi Komponen Utama Terhadap Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus (Studi Kasus Di Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. M. Haulussy Ambon)
Penulis: Y. A. Lesnussa & Jenifer Pentury   || email:
Jurnal: Molucca Medica Vol. 8 no. 1 - hal. 55-63 Tahun 2015  [ Kedokteran ]
Keywords:  Diabetes Mellitus, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Multicollinearity, Principal Component Regression
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is disease characterized by increased of blood sugar levels that are excessive and occurinthe long term. Factors that influence diabetes rnellitus were age, body weight, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, uricacid, hemoglobin, and pulse. The analysis was performe don 40 samples of patients with Diabetes Mellitus by using principal componen tregression analysis and meet all testing regression coefficients simultaneously, testing regression coefficients individually and classical assumption test. Then, basedon the analysisof data, will obtain the best regression model and the dominant factors that cause diabetes mellitus hemoglobin.
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