Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Rendemen Ekstrak Kasar Dan Fraksi Pelarut Alga Merah (Kappaphycus Alvarezii Doty)
Penulis: Vonda Lalopua  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 9 no. 1 - hal. 58-62 Tahun 2013  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  method of drying, the crude extract, fractions of solvent, the yield
Abstract: Kappaphycus alvareziii, tropical red algae has a role and an important aspect of the national economy. A number of bioactive compounds can be found in algae, but yet less of research for exploration. The purpose of the study was to determine the yield of dry K. alvarezii, yield of crude methanol extract and fractions of hexane, ethyl acetate and water. K.alvarezii sample aged 30-40 days were taken from mariculture area in Wael, West Seram District, and the waters in Sumenep Madura Island. The samples were dried and milled into a fine powder to 100 mesh size. Algae powder soaked with methanol (1: 3 w/v) for 3 days for maceration process. Crude methanol extract was dissolved with 20 % methanol and then fractionated using hexane, ethyl acetate and water. The results showed that the preparation of algae by drying and pulverizing caused yield losses of up to the remaining period of ± 16 % of the weight of the fresh algae. Total yield of methanol extract K.alvarezii from Maluku waters was 2 times higher (8,76 %) than algae from Madura (4.39 %). The yield of the water fraction was higher than the fraction of hexane and ethyl acetate in the dried algae with a vacuum oven temperature of 40 0 C.
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