Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Tinjauan Perkembangan Kemajuan Bioteknologi Menurut Aspek Etika, Sosial dan Hukum
Penulis: Hamdi Mayulu  || email:
Jurnal: Molucca Medica Vol. 2 no. 1 - hal. 92-99 Tahun 2009  [ Kedokteran ]
Keywords:  biotechnology, transgenic, ethical aspects, social aspects, legal aspects
Abstract: Biotechnology has spread in many fields such as, agriculture, animal husbandary, health, all of which are intended to make us survive in life. Meaning of biotechnology is a technique that turns a raw material through biological transformation processes to produce goods and services that are useful for human survival throughout this life. Basic sciences are a major milestone development of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, through a multidisciplinary approach in molecular discourse. Many of the counter parties for engineering transgenic result are not guaranteed safety of biotechnology, also caused an international competition in trade and marketing of its products. Competition can lead to unfairness for developing countries because it does not have the advanced technology. With the intelligence, the human search for knowledge as high as for the welfare of mankind itself, but it must be remembered that the development progress of science and technology should be in line with the ethics and morals. Thus, reasonable people will develop biotechnology without destroying the moral, ethical, social and spiritual dangers of the material.
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