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Judul: Potensi Limbah Sereh Wangi Sebagai Pupuk Organik dan Pengaruh Pemupukan Anorganik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jahe Gajah (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
Penulis: Dessy A. Marasabessy  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 11 no. 1 - hal. 31-37 Tahun 2015  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Ginger, inorganic fertilizer, granuless, lemongrass.
Abstract: Export of ginger from Indonesia in the last three years has declined because the quality of the ginger cannot meet world market competitiveness. Suboptimum cultivation techniques become a constraint in the development of the ginger plant coupled with the excessive use of synthetic chemical fertilizers that causes low soil capacity. The development of environmental-friendly technology to reduce the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers is expected to address the development problems of the ginger plant. Cultivation systems based on the utilization of in situ organic materials such as waste of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is widely available in the surrounding area of the ginger plant which need attention so that the use of local input and medicinal needs can be synchronized. The research aims to determine the effect of some organic materials and inorganic fertilizers (N, P, K) on the growth and production of young ginger. The research was conducted at Bogor Agricultural University, Experimental Station, Cikabayan, Darmaga, Bogor, started September 2011 to April 2012 and used a split-plot design. The main plot consisted of organic materials consisting of granules (20 t/ha), lemongrass compost buried in soil (20 t/ha), lemongrass compost mulch (20 t/ha) and without organic fertilizer as control. Sub plot are inorganic fertilizer consisted of ½ doses (N, P, K), 1 doses (N, P, K), 2 doses (N, P, K) and without inorganic fertilizer. The result of this research showed that organic materials and inorganic fertilizer did not significantly affect the growth of ginger. Plants treated with ½ doses of inorganic fertilizer showed the highest dry weight of rhizomes and significantly different with 2 doses.
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