Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Pengelolaan Mangrove Berdasarkan Tipe Substrat di Perairan Negeri Ihamahu Pulau Saparua
Penulis: Yona A. Lewerissa, M. Sangaji & M. B. Latumahina  || email:
Jurnal: Triton Vol. 14 no. 1 - hal. 1-9 Tahun 2018  [ Perikanan & IK ]
Keywords:  management, mangrove, substrate, Ihamahu, Saparua
Abstract: Mangrove is one of three important tropical ecosystem which has a range of benefits and either physical function, ecological, economical. The local community activities in the mangrove ecosystem can affect the development of Ihamahu’s mangrove, thus causing changes of the substrate composition which have resulted in mangrove growth. The aims of the study were to explain subsrate type based on the species of mangrove trees, mangrove zoning based on the type of the substrate and analyze the mangrove trategies management at Ihamahu waters.This study was conducted at Ihamahu waters, held in the July-September 2013 by using the Line Transect Method. Boring was used to collect substrate. The results showed that the most dominant substrate were mud (silt) for Rhizoporaceae, fine sand for Rhizoporaceae, Avicenniaceae and Sonneratiaceae while Medium sand for Sonneratiaceae. The closest Mangrove zone to the sea consisted of A. alba and S.alba. The middle zone with R.stylosa, R.apiculata, R.mucronata, C.tagal, A.corniculatum, X.granatum, B.gymorrhiza, B.Parviflora, and zoning close to the land was Nypa fruticans. There were four direction of mangrove management based on type of substrate which were suitable for growth and development of mangrove at Ihamahu waters. Mangrove strategies based on expert opinion analysis took into three main factors such as the ecology, social, and economic, thus the chosen of mangrove strategies management by analyzing the experts’s opinion against three alternatives such as ecotourism, marine fisheries tourism, and research site.
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