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Judul: Bauran Pemasaran Jasa : Pengaruhnya Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Cabang Ambon
Penulis: Imelda Talahatu  || email:
Jurnal: Cita Ekonomika Vol. 7 no. 1 - hal. 140-167 Tahun 2013  [ Ekonomi dan Bisnis ]
Keywords:  Services Marketing Mix, Customer Loyalty
Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze how much influence the marketing mix on customer loyalty by customers who use the services of PT. BRI (Persero) Tbk Ambon Branch. Collecting the data used in this study is the method of observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature study using a Likert scale and the sampling method used was accidental sampling of 100 samples. The analytical method used is the method of multiple linear regression (multiple linear regression). The results showed that the marketing mix consisting of Product (X1), Promotion (X2), Process (X3), People (X4), and Physical Evidence (X5) together have a positive influence. However, based on partial test (t), there are variables that have a significant effect on customer loyalty is the variable promotion, people / employees, and physical evidence. While the variables that have no effect on customer loyalty is a product and process variables.
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