Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Pengaruh Pemahaman Siswa Tentang Konsep Mobilitas Sosial Terhadap Motivasi Melanjutkan Pendidikan
Penulis: Yenita Yatim, Darmairal Rahmad & Dita Apriani  || email:
Jurnal: Jendela Pengetahuan Vol. 10 no. 23 - hal. 71-76 Tahun 2017  [ KIP ]
Keywords:  Comprehension, Social Mobility, Motivation
Abstract: This research was conducted at the SMAN 2 Pulau Punjung regarding the influence of the comprehension of the concept of social mobility of students towards continuing education motivation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the understanding of the concept of social mobility of students towards the motivation students continue education. The methods used in this research is quantitative methods. Where is the population by as much as 83 students, with respect to the number of population of small (less than 100 people)all members of the population sample was made with the technique of sampling (sampling nonprobality). The data of this research are: understanding of the civic to social mobility (X), the motivation of continuing education (Y). The approach used in this study was the quantitative approach. The type used in this study was ex post facto research. Based on the results of measurements on the influence of students’ understanding about social mobility against a motivated students continue the regression equation obtained education Y=56.79+0,27X with the value of the coefficient of determination of 0,0406. This can be meant that variables influence student understanding about social mobility (Variable X) against the motivation students continue education (Variable Y) is of 4,06%. Although this influence shows a low percentage but based on a test of the significance of regression, the influence of the variable X against Y Variable is significant. This is evidenced by the results of the test F, Sig = 0.113 and α = 0.05. Significant terms is the value of Sig > α.Conclusion of this research is the admissibility of Ha: There is a significant influence the comprehension of the concept of social mobility of students towards the motivation students continue education.
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