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Judul: | Analisis Dampak Kemitraan Perikanan Tangkap Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Wilayah |
Penulis: | Yoisye Lopulalan || email: amanisal_jour@yahoo.com |
Jurnal: | Amanisal Vol. 1 no. 1 - hal. 56-66 Tahun 2010 [ Perikanan & IK ] |
Keywords: | Partnership, economic conditions, Nusaniwe sub district |
Abstract: | The usage of fisheries resources has not been optimum since it is dominated by small scale corporation which is also facing many constraints in capital, institution, management, technology and information aspects. To solve some of the problems partnership is an urgent factor because it touches the needs of the fishermen. The assistance from many stakeholders, both government and private sectors, is needed in the partnership and not only limited for the capital assistance but also consultation and guidance as well as the market. One of the community efforts in captured based fisheries in Nusaniwe sub district needs to be supported and improved through the partnership is the "purse seine" based fisheries. The utilization of the purse seine tool has good prospectus due to the fact that pelagic resources and productions are high. The development of the effort is sure can improve the income that will have impact on the welfare of the fishermen. The study aimed to investigate the effect of captured based fisheries partnership towards the economic conditions in Nusaniwe sub district. The result is expected can be used as information and consideration for the government in making decisions in fisheries development. Data is collected through a survey and were analyzed using Policy Analysis Matrix from Monke and Pearson (1989). The results shows positive effect in social and economic of the fishermen participants and the community with profitable value of 272.583.549 IDR, social profitable value of 343.689.360 IDR and domestic resources coefficient <1 (DRC = 0.52). |
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