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Judul: | Perbandingan Efektivitas Media Video Dengan Paper Sebagai Skenario Terhadap Capaian Tahapan Seven Jump pada Blok Kedokteran Tropis dan Penyakit Infeksi |
Penulis: | Johan Bruiyf Bension || email: molucca_medica@mail.unpatti.ac.id |
Jurnal: | Molucca Medica Vol. 5 no. 1 - hal. 54-63 Tahun 2012 [ Kedokteran ] |
Keywords: | video scenarios, paper, seven jump, learning media |
Abstract: | Background. In a learning process, there are two very important elements, the method of teaching and learning media. The role of media is needed, because having a large role in the achievement of learning objectives. In the tutorial process by using seven stages of the jump, which is commonly used scenario in the form of paper case. Media video scenarios can be better, because the video has several advantages. It makes video scenarios can be used for effective teaching and learning activities. Research purposes. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the scenarios in the form of video and paper to the seven stages of performance jump in tutorial. Research Methods. This type of research is a quantitative study with experimental methods, and research design with posttest only control group design. The subjects were all group tutorial discussion sophomore Pattimura University Medical Education Program, amounting to 50 students. Data were analyzed and performed statistical tests to look for treatment (treatment) specific to the other variables. Results. Results of the analysis of independent sample t -test produced 2,503 t value, t value is compared to the t table for df = 48 at the 5% significance level = 2.02, then t count > t table, meaning that there are significant differences addition it, the value of p = 0.016 with a mean = 4.680. Because p-value 0.016 < 0.05, therefore, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the mean achievement scores seven stages of a significant jump between the tutorial uses scenarios in the form of videos with scenarios in the form of paper, with seven stages of achievement scores jump in tutorial groups with video scenarios higher achievement scores than the group stages of the seven jump tutorial with paper scenarios. |
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