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Judul: Analisa Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan (Rasio Efektivitas dan Rasio Kemandirian) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kabupaten Manokwari
Penulis: Febby Sonya Matulessy  || email:
Jurnal: Cita Ekonomika Vol. 7 no. 1 - hal. 35-52 Tahun 2013  [ Ekonomi dan Bisnis ]
Keywords:  Rasio Efektivitas, Rasio Kemandirian, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Abstract: This study aims to determine Pengaruh Effectiveness Ratio Form of Financial Performance, Against Economic Growth, For m influence Financial Independence Ratio Against Financial Growth form Economic and influence of Effectiveness Ratio, and Ratio of Independence together on growth Economic method of analysis used is descriptive analysis quantitative, using multiple regression analysis tool. The test results showed a correlation coefficient of 0.865means that R is a strong relationship, R2 of 0.749 it means that the variation of variable economic growth is determined by the effectiveness and independence of the variable ratio of 74.9% and 25.1% other variations are determined by other variables outside the models.The value of coefficient X1 is (0.014), it means that if the ratio of effectiveness to increase by 1%, economic growth will decrease by 0.014%. Effectiveness ratio partially negative and significant effect on the level of 0.05 against the economic growth seen in terms of the column where the value is above sig0.026 < 0.05 and thus the research hypothesis is accepted. X2 coefficient of 1.234 means that if there is a change in the independence of the region of 1%, economic growth will increase by 1.234%. Independence ratio is significantly positive effect on the economic growth of0.05 level where the value of sig 0.007< 0.05, which means that the research hypothesis is accepted. Sig in the ANOVA table 0.008 < 0.05, which means that the independent variables are jointly significant effect on thedependentvariable, and thus the research hypothesis is accepted.
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