Informasi Detil Paper

Judul: Analisis Permintaan Ekspor Crude Coconut Oil Indonesia di Pasar Dunia
Penulis: M. Turukay  || email:
Jurnal: Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 5 no. 1 - hal. 40-49 Tahun 2009  [ Pertanian ]
Keywords:  Export demand, crude coconut oil
Abstract: These research objectives are to analyze factors influencing the export demand of crude coconut oil, to evaluate the export trend of crude coconut oil, and to analyze the competitiveness of crude coconut oil in world markets. By descriptive analysis method, the quantitative and qualitative data which are secondary time series data from year 1980-2005, are evaluated. The data used are export and import data of crude coconut oil products including the Indonesian world classification of quantity and prices, GDP data, the population of people in importing country and, the currency exchange rate of US dollars to IDR during the sample period. Export demand of Indonesian crude coconut oil indicates a positive trend but from export prices side, it indicates a negative trend. Factors that influence Indonesian crude coconut oil demand are: export prices of crude coconut oil, Soybean oil prices, domestic prices of crude coconut oil, GDP of importing country, currency exchange rate of US dollars to IDR, RCA index and dummy variable. Export price of Palm Oil did not influence the demand function.
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